Canned fish from the north of Spain. A treasure of gastronomic tradition.
Northern Spain, especially Galicia, Cantabria and the Basque Country, are communities famous for their rich fishing and canning traditions. These regions have taken advantage of the abundant resources of the sea, creating high-quality products that delight palates around the world.
The cold, rich waters of the Atlantic and the Cantabrian Sea have been an essential source of livelihood for the coastal communities of northern Spain. Fishing here is not only an economic activity, but also a way of life deeply rooted in the local culture. Fishermen use traditional and sustainable techniques, such as angling for northern bonito, which ensures the selection of the best specimens and protects the environment.
This industry was born out of the need to preserve fresh fish for the winter months. The preservation process begins with the selection of the freshest fish, such as northern bonito and sardines, which are caught at their peak to ensure their quality. The fish is then cooked and preserved in olive oil or marinade, intensifying its flavours and creating a gourmet product.
Serrats northern bonito, with its white flesh and delicate flavour, is perfect for salads, tapas or on its own on toast. This fish is preserved in extra virgin olive oil, guaranteeing its freshness and authentic flavour. Serrats sardines, small and full of flavour, are also caught at their best. These sardines are preserved in olive oil or pickled, offering a unique culinary experience. They are ideal for appetizers, accompanied by a good white wine, or as a main ingredient in a variety of dishes.
Canned fish from northern Spain represent a culinary tradition and a commitment to quality and sustainability. Next time you are looking to transport yourself to the sea, remember the secrets of canned fish from northern Spain and enjoy its authentic flavours.